4th Annual Christmas Appeal to Feed the Homeless

GOAL: $5000



Grayson Alexander

Ioana Bertrand

Yvette Cuny

Dawn Drake

Theodoros Lambros

Father Sean Andrew Lotz

Grace Monk

Esther Robinson

Ihor Romaniuk

Giacomo Sanfilippo

Monica Spoor

Maria Tsikerdanos




Greetings to all our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world on this, the first day of our ascetical journey to the spiritual Bethlehem of our hearts, there to welcome anew the Birth of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ in the flesh.

The Holy Fathers are unanimous, and Orthodox Tradition unambiguous, on almsgiving as an essential dimension of the daily ascesis of our life in Christ, and of the intensified ascesis of the Church’s four lenten seasons.

We invite you to join us in our fourth annual mercy walk on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to deliver cash into the hands of the homeless on the frigid streets of downtown Toronto. We have set as this year’s goal to give fifty individuals a gift of $100.

When we consider our Christmas budget for home decorations, festive meals, new clothes, and gifts for one another, let us ask ourselves how much we can give to those who don’t know whether or not they will eat on Christmas or where they will sleep that night.

Send your cheerful gift to editors@orthodoxyindialogue.com via PayPal and put “Christmas” in your message. We will update the amount collected and donors’ names in alphabetical order with every contribution received. Check back often to see how we’re doing.

Please pray for the success of our appeal, and for the homeless and the hungry everywhere. Christ Himself comes disguised as each and every one of them.

May He who comes to be born of the Most-Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary bless you all with a spiritually fruitful and joyful Nativity Fast.