meagainAs we announced two weeks ago, Orthodoxy in Dialogue is set for a near total (but temporary) suspension of publication at midnight tomorrow, January 31. We hope to be up and running again at full steam no later than late spring or early summer. Among a number of spiritual and practical factors behind this decision is my need to move my doctoral program to the next stage without further delay. I’m “this close” to being ABD. Pray for me!

During our hiatus I will continue to read and respond to emails sent to our editorial address. (I’m the only one with access to the account.) We may publish the occasional article if a topic seems too urgent to defer. Lydia Bringerud has graciously accepted to manage our Facebook group in my absence. Check out the massive list of titles in our Archives by Author, and share your favourite ones widely with your social media contacts.

I’ll probably continue to pop up at the Kyiv Post from time to time.

If you identify somewhere along the LGBTQ spectrum, don’t let the Church’s shriekers and screamers—including certain priests (you know who you are, Fathers)—get you down. Our tenderhearted Lord, His Most-Pure Mother and ours, and all the saints and angels of heaven love you infinitely more than we can imagine.

And I love you, too. Never hesitate to drop me a line if I can offer you or a loved one a little spiritual support in my inadequacy. I’ll always make time for you. I keep you close to my heart in prayer.


It might surprise our readers that I consider my review of the film Love to the End to be one of our most important articles in recent weeks—especially as promotion kicks into high gear and parishes are being asked for a hefty screening fee. Unknown to the producers at the time (but now they know), the film contains a serious misrepresentation which I felt no choice but to address publicly.


While everyone has a right to an opinion, as Christians and citizens of the world we have a moral obligation to have informed opinions. Nowhere have I seen such rampant ignorance and sheer stupidity as in the chorus of condemnations of the newly autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine, and of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his unimaginably difficult but pastorally—and yes, politically—necessary decision regarding the Ukrainian Church. 

Read my lips: Russia has invaded Ukraine with the full blessing of the Moscow Patriarchate. The institutional Russian Orthodox Church is at war with Ukraine. 

For the rest, spend the next few months reading the extensive Ukraine section in our Archives by Author. You’re free to oppose Ukrainian autocephaly if you wish, but you need to educate yourself and base your opinions on actual facts instead of your uninformed Ukrainophobia or Russiolatry.


I’ve been working on an article which I unfortunately did not have the time to finish: “Another January: The March for ‘Life’ Industry Sucks Up Money Needed to Save Actual Babies’ and Women’s Lives.” 

How many billions of dollars have been spent over 40+ years on airfare, hotels, restaurant meals, caps, teeshirts, Rose Dinners, taxi cabs, etc. etc. … which have not saved the life of a single preborn child—in a country, incidentally, that already has one of the lowest abortion rates in the world? How many pregnant women and their babies could that money have helped? 

As we noted here, some of the highest abortion rates in the world are found in Orthodox countries. What are we doing to help our Orthodox sisters and their babies there?


My brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe have my continued prayers for a God-pleasing and soul-saving resolution to their dilemma.


Orthodoxy in Dialogue and I have managed to offend an awful lot of people over the past seventeen months, even people who initially supported us, wrote for us, and now want nothing to do with us. All I can do is ask your forgiveness and your prayers.


Giacomo Sanfilippo is a PhD student in Theological Studies at Trinity College in the University of Toronto, founding editor at Orthodoxy in Dialogue, contributor of religious commentary at theKyiv Post, father of five, and grandfather of two. He holds a BA in Sexuality Studies from York University and an MA in Theology from Regis College/St. Michael’s College, both in Toronto, and is an alumnus of the Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto. Earlier in life he completed the course requirements for the MDiv at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He was a priest from 1988 to 2002. You can read his MA thesis on same-sex love here and an introduction to his planned doctoral dissertation on Father Pavel Florensky at The Wheel